[Foundation-l] New projects opened

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 16:33:34 UTC 2009

The only relevant local localisations are the ones that provide specific
information about that project. All the other localisations are suspect
because they often no longer reflect the original message. Regularly
messages change their text, add parameters, are using new
internationalisation features and without the FUZZY mechanism employed at
translatewiki.net there is no way that you are even aware of this.

Local localisations do not deserve consideration and the only reason why
they should not have been removed and outlawed is that we do not have a
mechanism yet to bring you new localisations in a timely manner. When the
LocalisationUpdate extension is finally activated for all the wikis of the
Wikimedia Foundation there is no longer a valid reason to localise locally
for standard messages.

Translatewiki.net allows you to proof read your localisations, so I urge you
to work on the quality of your localisations and do it where this effort
makes the biggest difference.

2009/8/21 Kaare Olsen <kaare at nightcall.dk>

> On Fri, 21 Aug 2009 06:32:47 +0200
> Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Given that on Februari first 96.07% of the most used messages were
> > localised, it is clear that some of the most used messages were not
> > even localised. Consequently your puh puh reaction that only the rare
> > messages are affected is not correct.
> Does your statistics include local translations?  No?
> Again, I'm an actual user of the Danish language Wikipedia.  I'm not
> making it up when I say that I rarely run into something untranslated.
> If I do run into something untranslated, I generally fix it, and this
> most commonly happens locally as I can't wait for the translations to
> arrive by other means (and yes, I know the delay is not your fault).
> --
> Regards, Kaare
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