[Foundation-l] [Wikisource-l] Open Library, Wikisource, and cleaning and translating OCR of Classics

Yann Forget yann at forget-me.net
Fri Aug 21 14:09:17 UTC 2009

Joshua Gay wrote:
> David Strauss did a quick implementation (basically a demo) of an
> OpenLibrary extension for MediaWiki. In very little amount of code, he was
> able to easily search the OL (via AJAX) and when the user selected a given
> result, it poppulated a Citation template. What was nice is that when no
> results came up for a given search, there was an "add to open library"
> button that brought you to the OL site to add your bibliographic
> information.

Interesting, I didn't know that. Is this demo available somewhere?


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