[Foundation-l] Alphascript Publishing: 1900+ copy&pasted books from Wikipedia

Peter Jacobi pjacobi.de at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 19 09:23:01 UTC 2009

I want to add another aspect, which makes Alphacript a PITA:

Their arbitrary selection of author names. From all those contributors
of all articles included in their (usually incompetently compiled) selection,
they just pick the "best sounding", i.e. realnamish, on the front and into
the amazon system.

So if you are editing under your real name, e.g. [[de:Benutzer:Florian_Adler]],
you can find yourself prominently linked to this scam. I assume some of the
affected users have already made Alphscript stop this. I don't find
Norbert Dragon
anymore on their listings. As a professor of physics he surely wasn't amused
to be named as the author of some overpriced compilations of mediocre articles.


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