[Foundation-l] Alphascript Publishing: 1900+ copy&pasted books from Wikipedia

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 12:02:45 UTC 2009

2009/8/13 David Goodman <dgoodmanny at gmail.com>:

> I would be exceedingly uncomfortable with us organizing a negative
> campaign against any publisher not actually violating our copyright.
> .  A factual campaign, providing information is another matter. It
> would be entirely appropriate for individuals, even in a somewhat
> coordinated way, to add a review, just pointing out that it is
> entirely a copy of a Wikipedia article, and available free in  an
> updated version from our website--and in updated form.

"The contents of this book are reprinted from Wikipedia. Thanks to Dr
--- for making Wikipedia content available commercially in printed
form, in full observance of copyright requirements. We do this to
spread knowledge, after all!"

- d.

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