[Foundation-l] Question to post...

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 21:25:23 UTC 2009

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:09 PM, David Goodman<dgoodmanny at gmail.com> wrote:
> Perhaps we should try using the titles for things that other people
> use--not for g-rank, but as signs that we recognize that an
> encyclopedia is made for the readers.

Eh— It's unsolvable in some cases... People frequently use multiple
terms for the same thing. And what happens when one term is really
common in Canada and one is really common in the US? Do we always use
the US version because the US is more populous than Canada?  It would
be a fair decision by one reasonable metric, but deeply biased by
other reasonable metrics.

An alternative argument is that "When a 'more correct' name exists, we
should use that because we're an encyclopaedia and we're supposed to
educate people on these things".  Perhaps you don't agree— but
hopefully you can see why others can reasonably hold that position.

The real answer to this problem is ALL names should work equally, and
with redirects they do.  Except, it seems, that search engines
behaviour may be undermining this to some extent. ... but changing the
naming in response to the symptom rather than a response to the real

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