[Foundation-l] GLAM-WIKI report

John at Darkstar vacuum at jeb.no
Thu Aug 13 07:20:33 UTC 2009

> 1. What about our mirrors and forks and reusers; do they get the same
> rights? How about users who want to download media dumps?

This is at least two different problems, one is reuse when the content
is free and the other is reuse when the content is free due to an
agreement. For the moment there is a lot of material we can't use
because images are handled as separate from the articles.

> 2. What about when they decide to change around their naming
> schemes/take works offline/otherwise restructure their websites, and
> us with millions of links? Any change of theirs would cause serious
> disruption.

I would say mirror images and link to the original. That way the work is
on the external website to keep the links. In addition make a lot better
APIs for sharing metadata. The metadata should include identifiers used
at the external site. Also consider if the external site should be able
to make additional hotlinked information available about the image.

Think mashups of metadata, don't think "my metadata" (or WMFs mtadata).
We have become at least as protective as the GLAM institutions in some


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