[Foundation-l] Election Results

Kwan Ting Chan ktc at ktchan.info
Wed Aug 12 23:06:50 UTC 2009

Congratz indeed to the (re)elected, and thank you Domas for all your 
work, both within and outwith the Board.

Andrew Turvey wrote:
> My first response is that's probably a reflection of the voting system. When you have a non-partisan system like this, there are no clear political pro/con reasons to vote for/against particular candidates and the anti-incumbency factor doesn't really work. Candidates are likely to be successful if they're well known, and that will give an advantage to more established editors. 
> However, you might be over-stating this conclusion. All three retiring candidates stood again and only two were re-elected - Domas Mituzas lost out to sj. 

I'll have to agree, and also point out that it's a bit silly classing 
Ting as "old guard". Yes, he's a returning member of the board, but 
considering he was only elected last year, it's not so surprising he did 
well again this year.


Experience is a good school but the fees are high.
     - Heinrich Heine
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