[Foundation-l] GLAM-WIKI report

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 11:52:06 UTC 2009

Not necessarily. One acronym I learned was KPI, when a GLAM has as a key
performance indicator the number of times a picture is actually accessed, it
may affect the amount of subsidy they get. There is no reason why an image
cannot be made available to the people who want that image on their hard

So I mean really there may be more to it.

2009/8/12 David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com>

> 2009/8/12 Kat Walsh <kat at mindspillage.org>:
> > I'm not sure what the technical challenges you had in mind are, but I
> > can think of plenty of reasons to argue against hotlinking and I don't
> > want to let the point slip by. A few:
> The ones who want hotlinking want it as a way of making the images not
> free. l mean, really.
> - d.
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