[Foundation-l] Fwd: Election vote strikes

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 05:14:24 UTC 2009

2009/8/12 Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at gmail.com>:
> I too agree that there is an obligation to contact, hopefully with
> enough time to respond and point out an error,  but I don't believe
> that the the contact must be absolutely immediate.

I agree that there is no real need for it to be immediate, but in most
cases I can't see a good reason for it not being. In this case where a
lot of votes have been stricken at once it might be a good idea to
keep quiet for a few hours, maybe a day, to check there wasn't a big
mistake made which would result in hundreds of identical complaints
being received if emails were sent out, but for one-offs like
sockpuppeting, the notification should probably just be sent

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