[Foundation-l] Board election spamming

Kwan Ting Chan ktc at ktchan.info
Sun Aug 9 09:47:59 UTC 2009

Milos Rancic wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 5:00 AM, Casey Brown<lists at caseybrown.org> wrote:
>> Bot accounts will probably be excluded in the future, since they are
>> explicitly not allowed to vote.
> I think that it shouldn't be so complicated to do one "sort -u" over
> emails. As I said, some of my bots don't have bot flags and because of
> that they can't be treated as bots automatically. However, I am using
> just one email address for all of them. Probably, there is number of
> similar cases with well intentioned sock-puppet owners.

Just out of interest, how many such email did you get last year because 
I'm sure I only (try to) send one email to each email address (that 
hadn't voted already).


Experience is a good school but the fees are high.
     - Heinrich Heine
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