[Foundation-l] Upcoming tech hiring: CTO position split

Brian Brian.Mingus at colorado.edu
Sun Aug 9 01:57:11 UTC 2009

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Brion Vibber <brion at wikimedia.org> wrote:

> On 8/7/09 2:35 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> > By containing the magic words "senior" and "architect" the proposed
> > "Senior Software Architect" is, in my experience, not inconsistent
> > with industry naming practice for the most important tech guru who
> > isn't primarily a manager.
> >
> > It's not a bad title in any case.
> >
> > (I was previously a manager and made a decision to hire a boss because
> > I realized I'd rather be doing technical work than performance
> > reviews.  These days I'm just a lowly 'Senior … Engineer', and I'm
> > quite happy with that, thank you very much)
> Exactly.
> Now, if we really think of a _totally badass title_ before we get the
> business cards printed up I'm open to changing it, but honestly I like
> it and it fits the role I see for myself just fine. :)

My favorite title of all time, and I think the undisputed winner of the most
badass title of all time, is Chief Internet Evangelist. You could be the
Chief MediaWiki Evangelist, although architect does have a nice ring to it
for the time being. Perhaps later on in your career you'll take on the role
of Chief Wiki Evangelist.

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