[Foundation-l] Voluntary self-regulation of multimedia service providers

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Fri Aug 7 15:55:50 UTC 2009

private musings wrote:

> Just wondering what folk think about the WMF heading towards 
> compliance with things like this; 
> http://www.gsmeurope.org/documents/eu_codes/fsm_code_en.pdf

Are you saying that WMF is already heading in that direction (that 
would be news to me), and now you want our comments on that?  Or 
are you suggesting that WMF should head in that direction?

Organizations that agree to such a code of conduct do it for some 
benefit, for example to avoid the threat of government censorship. 
I'm sure that if Wikipedia self-restricted itself enough, Chinese 
authorities would never need to block Wikipedia. But do we need 
any such benefit? We would rather speak freely (within the scope 
of encyclopedic knowledge) and be blocked.

So, if you are suggesting that any code of conduct would be 
appropriate, what benefit is it that you have in mind?  Who 
threatens to block Wikipedia unless we voluntarily agree?

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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