[Foundation-l] Stevertigo

stevertigo stvrtg at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 22:27:54 UTC 2009

Actually youre not right about it Mark. I tried sending a  different
titled message about the block and that returned a mod bounce also. Im
no computer scientist but a name block not a killfile appears to have
been the actual process used. Im not going to want to continue this
thread any further.  S

On 7/31/09, Mark Williamson <node.ue at gmail.com> wrote:
> The last post in that thread wasn't blocked because of its content, it
> was blocked because the thread itself was blocked. I could try to
> reply to it now with a little paragraph about sunshine and rainbows
> and it wouldn't go through. Nobody read that message and made the
> decision not to post it to the ML, at least as far as I can tell.
> It looks to me like Austin did exactly what he should've so I'm not
> sure why you're implying he made an incorrect decision. Exactly what
> did he do wrong in your opinion?
> Mark
> skype: node.ue
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 6:35 PM, stevertigo<stvrtg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Mark Williamson<node.ue at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So you are saying that list administrators are technocrats only, that
>>> they just carry out technical tasks and aren't asked to exercise their
>>> own judgement and that you believe the order for your moderation was
>>> handed down from someone else, someone who you would like to be
>>> exposed?
>> Well to be fair there were a number of people who expressed a strong
>> dislike for the thread I started. And even though their posts were on
>> their own were mostly insubstantial and rude, I understood that there
>> were enough of them regardless, and so I replied with my last post
>> indicating I would stop further posts here and take it back to
>> wikien-l.
>> The decision to actually do the blocking of the last post - the one in
>> which I conceded the matter - was itself blocked by Austin alone
>> apparently. If the other moderator was involved, he did not take any
>> interest or action, as perhaps he should have. Perhaps there need to
>> be more moderators on this list, like there are on wikien-l - such as
>> to keep each other in check - and to insure that proper notification
>> is posted to the public list, and to communicate intelligently with
>> the blocked/moderated person.
>> I don't know if anything at all is really discussed in private. That's
>> just the way private communications work. What I am saying is that in
>> general we even want our technocrats to be quite forthright about what
>> they think and do, why, and where any orders or suggestions are coming
>> from. To do otherwise would be quite unfair to them.
>> -Stevertigo
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