[Foundation-l] Stevertigo

stevertigo stvrtg at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 00:57:53 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Kwan Ting Chan<ktc at ktchan.info> wrote:

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kill_file>
> Any emails to the mailing list with that subject line get auto deleted. And
> you can see, no email with that subject line has appeared since.
> 2. I would supect "we" are the moderators of the mailing list.
> 3. That's what being under moderation means. Whether any particular person
> should be under moderation is a different argument.

I understand now that there are technocratic terms being used. Still,
the issue of blocking someone is never a technocratic one, and
therefore must not be left to the technocrats. Assuming good faith, I
infer that the technocrat is not really the decider in such matters,
and that such decisions are communicated behind the scenes.

Exposing the politburo is one of the first principles of essential
openness reform.


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