[Foundation-l] Old newspapers going to destruction

Nikola Smolenski smolensk at eunet.yu
Wed Sep 24 12:33:23 UTC 2008

John at Darkstar wrote:
> In Norway a university has a large collection of newspapers, the
> collection is claimed to cover around 3000 running meters in the store
> house - without the norwegian and nordic newspapers, whats left is
> international newspapers from the last 150 years. If no one is coming up
> with a solution the collection is going to be destructed (actually burned)
> I think the best thing to do is to scan them and make them publicly
> available. Of course neither I or WM Norway can set forth to do such a
> task, but if there should be some wealthy person out there that might be
> able to involve himself in such a task, I think it would be a very
> worthy gift to the mankind (where is the women!) to do such a thing.

Google might be interested. In principle, they will scan for Google 
Books everything you send them that is out of copyright. Also, perhaps 
the Million Book Project. Maybe descendants of owners, editors, or 
journalists of these newspapers will be interested to help too.

I'll notify some people.

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