[Foundation-l] Autocreated globalaccounts(was:[Wikitech-l]$wgCentralAuthAutoNew=true)

Elisabeth Anderl spacebirdy at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 01:30:55 UTC 2008

1. feel free to bring up a discussion at Meta, that local sysops should be
able to block globally,
2. You did went to the link but then opened a request in the wrong section
for something completely different. My link pointed to Request for global
(un)lock and (un)hiding<http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Global#Request_for_global_.28un.29lock_and_.28un.29hiding>
3. if You wish to global lock accounts atm, there is no other way to do this
than to request stewards rights, or propose a new user group that can lock
global accounts, but that has to be discussed at Meta first too,

thanks, E.

2008/9/12 Phil Nash <pn007a2145 at blueyonder.co.uk>

> Elisabeth Anderl wrote:
> >> *Sigh*! There is no lack of comprehension, You applied for global
> >> rollback, that is something different.
> I just went to the link I was advised. It makes no sense that an Admin on
> one wiki should not be able to globally block an obviously offensive or
> disruptive user, wherever it arises. That's just counterproductive to have
> to jump through so many obscure hoops. It doesn't take much: Username ->
> right click menu -> apply for global blocking. End of.
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