[Foundation-l] Klassical Chinese

Nikola Smolenski smolensk at eunet.yu
Wed Sep 10 21:08:42 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 10 September 2008 22:24:58 geni wrote:
> 2008/9/10 Nikola Smolenski <smolensk at eunet.yu>:
> >Fact is, learning languages is difficult. In Serbia, English is taught
> > through entire primary school, but not everyone has an A, and even those
> > who do may not have good enough grip of language to be able to fully
> > understand a lengthy text in it, or even if they do, to read at the same
> > speed as their native language.
> That is to be expected. Look at how lowland scots moved towards
> english. At first only certain groups used english but over time more
> switched towards english and the language itself became more english
> like.

The point is, it is easier and cheaper to educate people in their language 
than to force a foreign language on them.

> > But Serbo-Croatian is not a the Central South Slavic diasystem.
> > Serbo-Croatian is a standard language, based on the Eastern Herzegovina
> > dialect, which is generally considered to be Serbian.
> Serbo-Croatian is also what most of the world calls the Central South
> Slavic diasystem.

[citation needed]

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