[Foundation-l] Are we useful yet? (was: STOP...)

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Mon Sep 8 14:54:07 UTC 2008

mboverload wrote:

> Someone needs to tell me WHY we should have a Wikipedia or 
> Wikinews in these kinds of languages.

This is actually a really good suggestion.  It should not be taken 
as an insult, and it should not be restricted to small or "odd" 
languages.  As now even the closing of Wikiquote was being 
discussed, we really need to tell each other and the world:

 * Why should there be a Wikipedia in French?
 * Why should there be a Wikisource in English?
 * Why should there be a Wiktionary in Russian?

We shouldn't take any of these for granted.  Tell the world!  Why 
are they needed?  Exactly how are they useful?  Are they indeed 
useful, or do we keep all these projects just in case they could 
become useful?  Can you come up with convincing arguments?  Who is 
being helped by these projects?

Such arguments are needed for recruiting more volunteers as well 
as soliciting donations.

But if we really fail to produce good arguments, perhaps we are 
just wasting our time and that project should be closed down.

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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