[Foundation-l] New Meta-Wiki logo - Approved?

John Vandenberg jayvdb at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 03:32:16 UTC 2008

On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 11:12 AM, David Levy <lifeisunfair at gmail.com> wrote:
> Florence Devouard wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The Foundation is aware that the community logo was PD. It was
>> done on purpose so that the community could use a logo without
>> having to request authorization.
>> As for the decision to switch meta from the Foundation logo to the
>> community logo, I think I remember that the vote was announced on
>> this list, so that the Foundation had the opportunity to jump in.
> Thanks for the prompt reply!  I understand why the community logo is
> PD, but I'm concerned about its suitability as an official project
> logo.  The vote was announced on this list [
> http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/foundation-l/2008-August/045572.html
> ], but no mention of the fact that a PD image was under consideration
> was made, so this easily could have been overlooked.  It certainly is
> possible that policy has changed, but this definitely has been
> disallowed in the past.  For example, the original Wikiversity logo
> had to be replaced because the image was available under a free
> license.
> Additionally, I recall User:Elian stating that official project logos
> must receive approval from the public relations department, and I want
> to make sure that this occurred.

Meta is not a project that needs marketing, branding, or trademark protection.

If someone else sets up a wiki using the "Community Logo", our meta
project is not affected greatly.

John Vandenberg

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