[Foundation-l] Twin Chapters / Sister Chapters

Pharos pharosofalexandria at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 16:27:12 UTC 2008

It occurs to me that a good way to share experiences among chapters
community-to-community might be though a semi-formal "twin chapters" /
"sister chapters" program, analogous to the "twin towns" / "sister
cities" programs among world urban centers.


There appears to me to be a benefit to a deep conversation between two
chapters that can't be fully reached by a broader, shallower
conversation among all chapters simultaneously (such as takes place in
meta).  Of course, the broader conversation still has a very important

It would be great if we could boost the organization of more Wikipedia
Academy-type events in this way, for example, where one chapter can
copy another's successes and learn from its experiences.

Who wants to join up?  As an organizer of the as-yet-unofficial
Wikimedia New York City, I'd look forward to seeing chapter-to-chapter
contacts blossom in this way, and hope others would wish to join us in


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