[Foundation-l] What's appropriate attribution?

Michael Bimmler mbimmler at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 15:02:10 UTC 2008

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Mike Godwin <mgodwin at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Thomas Dalton writes:
>>>> While copyright is largely harmonised, does that include moral
>>>> rights?
>>> More or less.
>> The "or less" is the bit you need to worry about, then.
> Wow, thanks.
>>>> The thing with experts is that you often need to contact them in
>>>> order
>>>> to find out if there is anything worth contacting them about.
>>> This had never occurred to me!
>> Perhaps you should try thinking things through properly in future,
>> then.
>> (NB: Claiming a statement is sarcastic does not making it false. From
>> your previous email is quite clear that your statements in this email
>> are true despite the fact that you most likely believe you are being
>> sarcastic.)
> I am truly impressed, not only with your exceptional knowledge of
> moral-rights jurisprudence, but also with your assessment of my legal
> abilities and your insightful interpretation of my comments.  It's a
> wonder that I ever managed to accomplish anything without the insight
> of Thomas Dalton, especially with regard to this tricky copyright stuff.
> It's true, Thomas -- I'm a dope, and I need your wisdom to straighten
> me out.

Thomas, Mike, as much as I'm amused by this debate, can we drop this
here? It's getting unproductive, really.


Michael Bimmler
mbimmler at gmail.com

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