[Foundation-l] What's appropriate attribution?

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Tue Oct 21 11:40:36 UTC 2008

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 11:11 PM, John at Darkstar <vacuum at jeb.no> wrote:

> I've asked about this some time back, and the answare was that Wikipedia
> is a collection of independent work, meaning each one of them has to
> list the principal authors of that work. The collection as such is a
> database and may or may not be a work in itself.

1) Who told you that?  2) Can the names be combined into a single list?  I
don't see why not.

Also, a failure to state the principal authors does not release any
> later work from giving due attribution. The attribution is a property of
> the work itself and not for some random copy of the work, that is each
> copy has to give due respect to the authors of the work not the authors
> of the previous copy.

Absolutely agreed.  My longstanding interpretation of the GFDL was that
attribution of all (non de-minimus) authors was required, in the section
Entitled History.  Considering moral rights laws and the ethical principles
behind them, I still believe this is the correct interpretation, and that
the phrase "as given on its Title page" should be interpreted to apply only
to "publisher of the Document".

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