[Foundation-l] Report to the Board August 2008

Mike.lifeguard mikelifeguard at fastmail.fm
Thu Oct 16 03:25:04 UTC 2008

I recall that in the interview Sue gave with the Wikipedia Weekly at
Wikimania, she mentioned that the Foundation staff and Board haven't
used the advisory council in a systematic way, and that strategies to do
so should be sought. Has any thought been put into how we can better use
that expertise, or if rethinking the advisory council is necessary?
Looking at the wiki, we have a good team of people, but they're only
useful if we tap that resource, instead of simply having blurbs on

I don't know whether this should be addressed in the context of the
Wikimania postmortem or not, I was simply reminded as that's where the
interview was given.


On Thu, 16 Oct 2008 00:58:08 +0000,
foundation-l-request at lists.wikimedia.org said:
> During August, staff and volunteers worked on a postmortem of Wikimania
> 2008, which included two IRC meetings and an online (LimeSurvey) survey
> of attendees, organizers and speakers.  The postmortem is intended to
> reflect the experiences and views of all Wikimania planners and
> participants, and will result in a set of recommendations, to be
> implemented in time for the staging of Wikimania 2009. It will cover
> site selection, local planning and organization, logistics, program
> planning and speaker handling, scholarships, media/PR, public outreach,
> finance and administration, and sponsorships. Participating in the
> postmortem: Delphine Menard, Cary Bass, Jay Walsh, Kul Takanao Wadhwa,
> Frank Schulenburg, Veronique Kessler, Sue Gardner and 21 volunteers
> including members of the board and advisory board.  The postmortem is
> expected to be complete in September or October: it currently awaits
> input from the local planning team, the program committee and scholarships.
  mikelifeguard at fastmail.fm

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