[Foundation-l] On Arabic and sub-language proposals.

Aphaia aphaia at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 20:38:10 UTC 2008

While I am not so much worried to see a Wikimedia project helping a
minority language promotion. I rather am concerned about political
view promotion using a Wikimedia project.

In the discussion of  Masry Wikipedia, I saw one of the proposers
complain the current Arabic Wikipedia uses the ugly language the
normal Egyptian cannot bear, ant another Arabic editor pointed out his
claim meant that arwiki community had refused to move [[Muhammad
Ibn-Abdullah]] to [[The Prophet (May piece be upon him)]] (or
precisely its equivalent in Arabic).

I am worry about that unestablished editors who don't share our core
principles are let start their Wikipedia whose content may not be
understood by anyone else and thus not noticed and corrected their
systematic biases.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 2:11 AM, Delirium <delirium at hackish.org> wrote:
> Muhammad Alsebaey wrote:
>> However, let me
>> stress again my point, is it the WMF place to take a stand as to accelerate
>> such an adoption of the spoken language as written? I dont think so.
> This seems to be the point on which the language committee, as currently
> constituted, disagrees. I fear it is somewhat run by
> minority-language-promotion advocates, who are most interested in using
> Wikimedia to push their pet ideas about how language and society ought
> to work, shared by few other people.
> -Mark
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