[Foundation-l] Chapters coordinator: wrapping up the role

Michael Snow wikipedia at verizon.net
Wed Oct 1 05:13:41 UTC 2008

Delphine Ménard wrote:
> The Board of the Wikimedia Foundation has also renewed its confidence
> in the ability of the chapters to further the Wikimedia mission, by
> asking them to select two board members. The last announcement of the
> upcoming board meeting agenda shows that chapters are at the core of
> Wikimedia's strategy.
> All of these changes have been accompanied by recurring questions
> about the role of chapters and the nature of the relationship
> Wikimedia chapters should entertain with the Wikimedia Foundation. And
> those questions are still, to some extent "in the air". Much has been
> done, much has been thought about and much remains to do and to
> brainstorm about.
> In the course of these conversations, it has become evident that the
> "Chapters question" (or issue, or stuff, or thing) needs a reboot.
> Reboot in the sense that a new structure and process is needed to best
> capture the energy and  perspectives of the growing number of
> chapters, along with the growing stability of the staff and board of
> the Wikimedia Foundation. One of the steps in this reboot is the
> wrap-up of the Chapters Coordinator position.
> I have been committed to that position for the past 3 years, first as
> a volunteer, and since February 2007 as an external consultant and I
> am stopping my work as Chapters Coordinator today. I have been
> wrapping up my work with the chapters in the last few weeks.
Thank you, Delphine, for all of your hard work on behalf of the 
Wikimedia Foundation over the past few years. In building up the 
chapters from the early stages of their development, you will have had a 
lasting impact on our community. I'm grateful we had someone so 
dedicated helping in that project.

As many of you know, Delphine was also involved in major efforts beyond 
just working directly with the chapters, especially in organizing 
Wikimania. I'm sure we will be enjoying the products of Delphine's work 
long after the end of her employment. As one example, we got a report 
today on the results of a survey of Wikimania participants that Delphine 
was instrumental in developing (it's at 
http://wikimania2008.wikimedia.org/wiki/Survey for those interested, 
feedback was generally positive). I expect future Wikimania organizers 
will benefit from the groundwork she has laid, and appreciate how much 
work she had to put in.

Since Delphine is not leaving (thankfully), I shouldn't close with a 
farewell to her. So instead, let me say - Welcome to our newest volunteer!

--Michael Snow

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