[Foundation-l] Report to the Board: December 23 to January 29

daniwo59 at aol.com daniwo59 at aol.com
Thu Jan 31 22:55:39 UTC 2008

In a message dated 1/31/2008 5:23:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
sgardner at wikimedia.org writes:

The St  Petersburg office will shut down Thursday, January 31, and at 
that point,  we will say goodbye to Barbara Brown (office manager), Sandy 
Ordonez (head  of communications) and Vishal Patel (business 

Since this was a very short good-bye, I just thought I would add to it.  
Although I haven't been staff for almost a year, I worked personally with  
Barbara, Sandy, and Vishal, and wanted to thank them personally.
Many people do not know about the difficult work they did behind the  scenes, 
but it really kept the gears greased and the Foundation running, in good  
times and in difficult times.
Personally, I want to thank Barbara for keeping the office homey, making  
sure that it was stocked with food, and even ensuring that it was all neat and  
orderly. Despite my grumblings (I like eating at my desk ...), I appreciated  
that, and I know everyone else did too.
Sandy arrived at an unusual time, but immediately began learning the ropes  
and jumped right in when we needed it most. It wasn't always easy, but she rose 
 to the challenge.
Vishal began as an intern, and by force of circumstances found himself  
taking a lot of my responsibilities. He rose to the challenge with a real sense  of 
vision of what the Foundation could be.

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.     

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