[Foundation-l] Wikipedia songs

Nikola Smolenski smolensk at EUnet.yu
Thu Jan 31 15:42:11 UTC 2008

Dan Rosenthal wrote:
> I think it would both entertain and not irritate our callers to hear  
> exactly how big Wikimedia projects are, as expressed in various  
> metrics. Examples:
> * If you were to view every article on every language Wikipedia, it  
> would take you  X amount of time.

I once calculated that it would take six years to read English Wikipedia 
cover to cover (er... Main Page to Special:Version).

> *If you printed out the German Wikipedia, and stretched it out end to  
> end, it would cover X% of the distance to Mars -- that's Y million  
> American Football fields, or Z billion soccer pitches.

English Wikipedia would have some half million pages (six months ago). 
Printed on A4 and leaves put side to side - 150 Km.

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