[Foundation-l] A letter to Wikipedia collides with the non-free content policies

Marco Chiesa chiesa.marco at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 22:19:27 UTC 2008

Thomas Dalton ha scritto:
> On 27/01/2008, Chad <innocentkiller at gmail.com> wrote:
>> And it's been handled. Tagged and deleted per enwiki's own deletion policy.
>> (CSD I3, for you policy mongers).
> Why would somebody use CSD when the deletion is already under
> discussion and there clearly isn't an overwhelming consensus? CSD is a
> shortcut to take advantage of an already established consensus to
> delete certain general kinds of articles/images - if that consensus
> clearly doesn't apply to a particular case, it should not be
> speedied...
Foundation-wide policies overtake consensus in every case, I would say. 
If that was non-free material that couldn't be used in ns-0, then 
there's nothing to discuss about, I would say. Or does en.wikipedia have 
other rules?


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