[Foundation-l] WMF and UNU-Merit announce first survey of Wikipedians

Ian A Holton poeloq at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 17:05:44 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-01-27 at 07:40 -0800, John McC wrote:
> "I've just taken a look at the survey and must sadly
> say that it needs a
> lot of work done to it in regards to spelling, grammar
> and questions.
> For example: ...is a resident of the[sic] Germany.
> Also: IMHO Wiki's
> aren't the best way of conducting a survey, sorry.
> Other options should
> be thought of here, Wikis aren't supposed to replace
> everything else on
> the web (and Wiki!=editable web)."
> Well, that's kind of like saying "Wikipedia articles
> have too many problems with spelling, grammar, and
> content, so it's not worth bothering with." As a wiki,
> problems with the survey can be fixed by whomever
> finds them :). IOW, that's what the edit buttons are
> for (none of those surveys are protected, as page
> protection is very much frowned upon at Wikiversity).

Anybody who understands that the information is stored in a template and
is willing to take the risk editing templates.

Ian [[User:Poeloq]]
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