[Foundation-l] WMF and UNU-Merit announce first survey of Wikipedians

Ian A Holton poeloq at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 21:26:14 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-01-26 at 04:52 -0800, John McC wrote:
> Danny wrote:
> "I think  suggestions for actual survey 
> questions would be welcome. I imagine one of  the very
> basic questions 
> the survey might ask is, "Do you consider  yourself a
> Wikipedian?""
> < / snip>
> This might be a good use for the Wikimedian
> Demographics project on Wikiversity... just add
> questions or sets of questions there, and see which
> ones "work" (in the sense of getting clear responses
> and making sure that all options that should be
> included are available for answering.) 
> One question that comes to mind is whether this survey
> will be "anonymous", as opposed to the Wikiversity
> surveys which tie responses to a particular username
> (presumably one used on other projects as well). 
> link again for those who are wondering what I'm
> talking about:
> http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Wikimedian_Demographics
> (By the way: is there something wrong with the
> "digest" mailings? I haven't recieved one in several
> days (working fine on checkuser-l). )
> -johnny.

I've just taken a look at the survey and must sadly say that it needs a
lot of work done to it in regards to spelling, grammar and questions.
For example: ...is a resident of the[sic] Germany. Also: IMHO Wiki's
aren't the best way of conducting a survey, sorry. Other options should
be thought of here, Wikis aren't supposed to replace everything else on
the web (and Wiki!=editable web).

Just my thoughts,

Ian [[User:Poeloq]]
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