[Foundation-l] An observation on languages

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen cimonavaro at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 16:28:42 UTC 2008

Maybe it is just me not being picky, but I personally find
the signal to noise ratio on this list quite positive.

Which does not mean I agree with everything on it,
nor even consider all messages on it useful contributions,
but even useless verbiage can impart useful signal about
the state of the general community.

I think it is important to also note that for any given number
of readers, what people consider good mailing list content,
the selection is likely to widely vary. For my own part, for
instance, even though I think we could do with more measured
critixism, "negativity" in itself is not a communication category
that I would wish to see gone from this list. Nor would I in fact
wish to see advocacy and boosterism gone from this channel,
even though personally I do not generally such particularly
useful additions to the discussion on this list, _for_me_

This is not a "brainstorming" channel, but a place where we
have to look at things in detail, and with discernment.

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