[Foundation-l] WMF and UNU-Merit announce first survey of Wikipedians

Jay A. Walsh jwalsh at wikimedia.org
Fri Jan 25 01:07:17 UTC 2008

Hi folks - keeping you informed,

Earlier today we made an announcement in concert with the Collaborative Creativity Group at UNU-MERIT [a joint research and training centre of United 
Nations University (UNU) and Maastricht University] about the first ever survey of Wikipedians.

The full announcement can be found at:


At this stage the Collaborative Creativity Group and the Foundation are developing the survey, approach, and the overall implementation.  We'll have 
more details to share over the coming months.

The Collaborative Creativity Group has also set up a landing page at http://www.wikipediasurvey.org/

Next time I'll send notice of Foundation announcements closer to the actual release, still familiarizing with the communications systems.

Thanks for your time,

Jay Walsh
Head of Communications
1 (415) 287-0680

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