[Foundation-l] Seeking clarification

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 12:10:24 UTC 2008

On 23/01/2008, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com> wrote:

> Wikipedia predates Wikinews. Wikipedia did news before Wiknews existed. Much
> of the relevance of Wikipedia is in their bringing background information to
> the news. If Wikinews cannot handle this, tough. If it means that Wikinews
> is a project that is a failure, tough. In the end it is a failure for the
> people who promoted the idea of Wikinews, however I think there is plenty of
> scope for Wikinews to hack it. But the Wikinewsies have to find their own
> way, their own niche. So please move on.

I think en: Wikinews at least has successfully found a niche that's
distinct from Wikipedia's, for what it's worth. It doesn't produce a
huge number of articles a day, but it's got an active community now
who are trying to do this well, and are doing something quite
different from the encyclopedia.

- d.

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