[Foundation-l] [Commons-l] Wikipedia Invites Users to Take Part in Open, Collaborative Video Experiment

Ben McIlwain cydeweys at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 22:06:42 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Brion Vibber wrote:
> Ben McIlwain wrote:
>> Why are we
>> supporting Kaltura, which isn't really free beyond a trivial open
>> sourced MediaWiki plugin?
> We're not supporting them at all except insofar as we're encouraging
> them to take it *COMPLETELY* open-source, INCLUDING server-side,
> INCLUDING Ogg Theora, INCLUDING improvements to f/oss alternatives such
> as Gnash, etc. (And yes I know Gnash doesn't solve every problem with
> Flash.)
> Encouraging them to move their tool in the directions we favor is the
> ONLY thing we're doing.
> We won't even consider touching the software itself with a hundred-foot
> pole until they can support the free environment and formats we require.
> That's a condition they're well aware of.

It strikes me that there are many *actually* free software projects that
are already much closer to being usable for our purposes than Kaltura's
product.  Why aren't we working with them instead of Kaltura?  Why are
we messing around with for-profit VC companies that are at
cross-purposes with us when there are many aligned non-profit free
software projects we could be dealing with?
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