[Foundation-l] [Commons-l] Wikipedia Invites Users to Take Part in Open, Collaborative Video Experiment

Ben McIlwain cydeweys at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 22:02:46 UTC 2008

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Erik Moeller wrote:
> On 1/19/08, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote:
>> My understanding is that Michael Dale was told that Wikimedia would be
>> using Kaltura and that it might consider metavid some day 'in the
>> future'.
> We've made no firm commitment to using Kaltura anywhere. This is the
> problem with speculation about leaked presentations: They lack context
> & positioning.

What the hell ever happened to increased transparency?  Maybe we
wouldn't have to rely on "leaked presentations" if you guys actually,
you know, tell us what you're doing.  But don't expect us to be silent
until after something disagreeable to the Foundation's goals is pushed
through if we know about it before then.

> In the last few discussions we've had about this issue, you've
> consistently taken the side of what I deem isolationism: against
> Creative Commons, against parallel distribution, and now against
> working with a company that wants to embrace open source & open
> standards as best they can.

Two points: isolationism is a red herring, a canard.  Nobody wants to be
isolationist.  Attempting to dismiss Greg's views as isolationist when
they are in fact rooted in deep concerns over the WMF's mission is
fallacious argumentation.

And by the way, when "embracing open source & open standards as best
they can" isn't good enough to meet *our* standards, then we shouldn't
deal with them.  Kaltura has done nothing to embrace our standards but
to release a trivial MediaWiki plugin under an open source license.  In
response, they get to claim "partnership" with us, which makes them much
more attractive to VC money.  This is not a good deal for the WMF.
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