[Foundation-l] a day in a life of a board member... and thoughts

geni geniice at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 23:09:45 UTC 2008

On 12/01/2008, Florence Devouard <Anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I read recently someone complaining that they were not informed of
> on-going legal complaints. Let me tell you about the latest one.
> Between Christmas and New Year Eve, I got a phone call from the local
> gendarmerie (gendarmerie is what plays the role of police in rural areas
> in France). They had received a complaint, against me, for a problem on
> Wikipedia, and needed to receive me to inform me of the details of the
> complaint. I indicated I was on holidays, travelling, but would be back
> just before the 1st. They said "no problem, there is no urgency, let's
> pick up a meeting date in january sometimes. It is related to the
> Chateau de Luneville (a castle in the north east of France, near Nancy)".

Would french law consider wikipedia to be an organized group with
respect to potential fines and the like?

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