[Foundation-l] Wikimedia IRC Network - New Channel (#wikimania2008.wikimedia)

Pill pill at pobox.com
Sun Jan 13 14:10:12 UTC 2008

E schrieb:
> Hello all,
> Seeing I don't really know where to post this (on foundation-l or wikitech-l), I have decided to post it here and someone can hopefully pass it on to the person that it may concern.
> As always, we have RC channels on irc.wikimedia.org for every wiki, and it seems that the #wikimania2008.wikimedia channel has not yet been created for the feed from http://wikimania2008.wikimedia.org.
> It seems there has been feeds from previous years, and would like it to be added for myself (and others, if you are interested) so I can monitor the changes.
> Kind regards,
> E
> English Wikipedia
> IRC: TheLetterE
> Email: e.wikipedia at gmail.com
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The name of the channel is #wikimania2008, and it was created about half 
a year ago.


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