[Foundation-l] Litigation costs

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun Jan 13 06:24:36 UTC 2008

Gerard Meijssen wrote:
> Hoi,
> It is our admins that enforce policies. It is the collectivity of a project
> that fails in its duty to ensure that our data can be published under the
> license we claim our data is available under.
> If you want to have it worded in a different way: it is up to all of us to
> ensure that our projects conform to the license that we make them available
> under.
Where, in all of the GFDL does it say that a person who suspects that 
some writing may be a copyright infringement *must* act upon that 
information?  That admins have the tools for enforcement of policy, 
means only that we trust them not to use those tools foolishly.

Nothing obliges us to be officious busybodies, frequent examples of such 
behaviour notwithstanding.


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