[Foundation-l] thoughts on leakages

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Sat Jan 12 12:10:32 UTC 2008

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen wrote:
> On 1/12/08, Lars Aronsson <lars at aronsson.se> wrote:
> > In my naïve and limited view of this world, the Wikimedia
> > Foundation works just fine.  The servers are running and everybody
> > should be happy.  You might want to explain why I'm wrong.
> You will excuse me if I think your language is a bit rich, coming
> from a person who led a fork - albeit a friendly one - very early
> in the history of wikipedia, and pretty figuratively at the drop
> of a hat.

Oh, if you want to discuss my person, please do, but isn't that a 
bit off topic here?  Yes, I try to stay friendly.  I haven't led 
any fork, but I have started my own parallel projects in a couple 
of instances: Project Runeberg is my Scandinavian e-text project, 
Elektrosmog.nu was my Swedish free wi-fi mailing list, and 
susning.nu is/was my Swedish non-encyclopedic wiki website.  Even 
if these would have been forks, that's nothing wrong. I think more 
people should start projects, so we can have an exchange of actual 
experience.  For example, Wikisource is picking up many of my 
ideas from Project Runeberg.  There's no conflict there.

However, now we were discussing what so wrong with the Wikimedia 
Foundation.  My impression is that most things are fine, but you 
don't seem to agree?  I don't believe in "radical" transparency in 
the sense some people have expressed their wishes here.  Maybe 
that's why I'm not disappointed.  I like to think I'm realistic.

I'm on the board of Wikimedia Sverige, the newly established 
Swedish chapter, and we're working on how to promote and advance 
WMF projects and free knowledge in Sweden, but I'm on this mailing 
list as a private individual.

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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