[Foundation-l] Top posters

Michael Bimmler mbimmler at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 20:39:12 UTC 2008

On Jan 9, 2008 9:24 PM, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 09/01/2008, Michael Bimmler <mbimmler at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I might be missing something but wouldn't confirmation emails be
> > easier for this than a set of admins and manual approval? Something
> > like "Thomas Dalton (thomas.dalton at gmail.com) claims that your
> > email address should be grouped together with thomas.dalton at
> > gmail.com Please click here to confirm"
> > Or is this technically more difficult?
> This is just numbers for our amusement to show who has a lot to say
> (for whatever reason), not something that warrants any interference
> with how things work whatsoever. A simple post-counter, which lets you
> tell it when two From: lines are one person, is all such a creature
> would warrant.

Ahem... I will now point to the fact that I used conjunctive and was
thus only making theoretical suggestions etc.etc.  No, seriously, I
completely agree, it is too much of an effort for the top poster list.
<listmoderator-hat-on> This still means that the
15posts-a-day-average-people might want to blush now </>


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