[Foundation-l] [Announcement] New Head of Communications: Jay Walsh

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia.com
Wed Jan 9 06:22:54 UTC 2008

Michael Snow wrote:
> You haven't got it straight in the slightest. Please do that first you 
> want to be snarky about things.
> 1. The first hires announced were one from California and one from 
> Chicago (recently relocated to San Francisco).
> 2. The stated reasons for moving to San Francisco were not solely or 
> even primarily about the hiring pool - among the issues mentioned were 
> proximity to like-minded organizations and potential partners, and 
> better location for international travel.

Absolutely.  Thank you Michael. :)

Let me add another point, and I have experience with this with Wikia, 
which I moved to San Mateo soon after we got funding...

If you want to hire top talent from anywhere in the world, it turns out 
that they mostly do not want to move to the sleepy and wonderful quiet 
town of St. Petersburg, Florida... known more for retirees and a nice 
beach lifestyle than the kind of cultural amenities that the "cultural 
class" wants.

But lots of good people are eager to move to San Francisco, New York, etc.

So even if we were not hiring *anyone* already in the Bay Area, which is 
not true at all, it would still have made sense to move away from St. 


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