[Foundation-l] Human judgment

Samuel Henderson samueljhenderson at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 15:23:27 UTC 2008

I'm breaking this thread because a) it is always possible that there are
unique factors in play in the ru.wikibooks situation, and b) this is a wider
issue in any case.

Here is my opinion:

*No policy, however good or golden, should ever override human judgment.*
This is true on every level, on every project.  Policies that suggest
otherwise *should* of course be rewritten; but in any case, they *must* be

It should go without saying that blatantly abusive behavior by the lone
admin on a project without a strong local community calls for direct and
immediate corrective action, regardless of policy.

If the people who are charged by the WMF community with project stewardship
do not feel that their own judgment is good enough to handle serious
problems in a moment of crisis, then that is a very serious problem which
threatens the WMF's entire model of governance.



Samuel Henderson
Miryang, South Korea - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Document Translation, Review and Proofreading
Korean-English, German-English
Co-moderator NAJIT Listserve
Certified Korean-English Translator

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