[Foundation-l] Meta-arbcom (was: the foundations of...)

Andrew Whitworth wknight8111 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 23:55:10 UTC 2008

On Jan 4, 2008 6:21 PM, FloNight <sydney.poore at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was thinking of a combination of stewards and members from elected ArbComs.
> Having a blend might work best. Keep some connection to the local
> community as well as meta.

So many communities don't have arbcoms to begin with. Commons is a big
project and doesnt have one, en.wikibooks doesnt have one, etc. Saying
that existing local arbcoms should have something to do with a global
arbcom is short-sighted.

What makes better sense is to have projects appoint representatives.
For small projects this can take the form of elections or whatever.
For larger projects where elections don't make sense, you can have the
policy be that the representative is selected from the current arbcom.
Require representation from all projects, but allow the projects to
determine on their own how to elect the representatives.

> Maybe the steward members would be permanent and the ArbCom members
> would serve as a pool that could be called to work on a particular
> case.

Minus the mention of arbcom members here, it's actually a decent idea.
The stewards could form a core group, since they are already elected
globally and do much of this work already, and additional members
(especially speaking members of particular languages) could be
selected from projects to aid in particular cases.

--Andrew Whitworth

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