[Foundation-l] Bunners at the bottom of every page

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 10:18:14 UTC 2008

There are limits to the autonomy of projects. These limits have not been
defined. In the discussions about a global arbcom it is suggested that it
should only be there for the smaller projects. I do disagree, when autonomy
is limited limitations imposed should be imposed equally. It would be
discriminatory to put limits on others that you would not want to bear
yourself. It is also true that the big projects have had the privilege to
establish their policies. The English language Wikipedia has had the benefit
from a lot of close attention and became what it is as a result. The culture
of other countries, languages is different and the way Wikipedias will grow
will also be similar but different as a result.

So far the Wikimedia Foundation has kept distance between itself and the
projects. There are instances where the board has been seen to keep its
prerogative to provide high justice when and where needed. It is for
instance the board that gives final approval to new projects. This has
worked well.

When a global arbitration committee is to deal with individual complaints,
we will find people that will game the system. We will find people pressing
hat projects all have to do things in the same way because it appeals to
their sense of what is right. To a large extend this will create work, not
provide clear benefits and it will not remove the sense that governance is
removed from the ordinary editors. Far from it, it will create another layer
of arguments decrying the distance between the organisation and the smaller

So far, when an issue arose, there were people arguing for a resolution.
This was not efficient, it took time but it often had the benefit that it
resolving it self in time. The solutions were not always neat but when
projects are independent, they do not have to be neat in our eyes, we can
assume trust that it will move towards what is optimal.

I do not negate a need for a global Arbcom. I think that there is a need for
such a body. I argue for reluctance in applying it as a tool. I would like
to have a body that only deals with issues that require "high justice" on
things where the autonomy of the project is preventing resolution. These are
instances where blatant copy violations are supported. Where NPOV issues
needs to be addressed because they are not acceptable. Obvious abuse of
power by admins. Quiet or not so quiet diplomacy combined with the potential
of a full fledged arbitration case is what works best. Such a case would
lead to a recommendation to the board, and when the board accepts it, it is
soon enough.

In my opinion the composition of the people who deal with an arbitration
case would be optimal when it reflects the project it is about combined with
people who are familiar with the WMF as an organisation. A Wikibooks case
should include people familiar with Wikibooks looking at the issue. This in
turn means that there is a premium when people of the different language
versions of a project are familiar with each others practices, when things
are out of hand, when diplomacy does not help, when things need to be
addressed on a global level, there are only losers.


On Jan 5, 2008 6:14 PM, Nathan <nawrich at gmail.com> wrote:

> He speaks Russian, but responds to English with Norwegian? Is that
> because Elisabeth is Norwegian? (scratching my head here). It seems
> like if the community there is unable to take steps, then the
> Foundation should step in. There are limits to the autonomy of
> projects, it isn't complete.
> On Jan 5, 2008 12:11 PM, Yaroslav M. Blanter < putevod at mccme.ru> wrote:
> > > What does "Unnskyld, jeg forst?r ikke." mean? Its transliterated it
> > > looks like, so translators make no heads or tails of it.
> > >
> >
> > "Excuse me, I do not understand" (Norvegian)
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Yaroslav
> >
> >
> >
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