[Foundation-l] The WikBack

Marc Riddell michaeldavid86 at comcast.net
Fri Jan 4 22:33:37 UTC 2008

> The Uninvited Co., Inc wrote:
>> The WikBack, a discussion website I started a week ago as
>> an alternative
>> to wikien-l, already has over 100 members and a post
>> volume greater than
>> that of wikien-l.
>> Since WMF-related topics are starting to come up, I have
>> added a
>> separate forum for them.  Please consider joining.
>> http://www.wikback.com
>> The site is noncommercial and advertising free.  I am
>> paying the hosting
>> fees and other expenses out of my own pocket.
>> Steve Dunlop/UninvitedCompany

on 1/4/08 5:07 PM, Matthew Britton at matthew.britton at btinternet.com wrote:
> Ah, just what we need... another Wikipedia Review. Great.
> As for post volume greater than that of WikiEN-l, let us
> know when you've got a post *quality* greater than that of
> WikiEN-l. And I think you'll agree that I'm not setting my
> expectations particularly high there.
Matthew, isn't the quality of the writing determined by the writers

Marc Riddell

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