[Foundation-l] Wiki work

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 21:36:03 UTC 2008

On 26/02/2008, Dirk Riehle <dirk at riehle.org> wrote:

> We did extensive work on an EBNF Grammar, XML Schema, and XSLT
>  transformations for wiki markup, see:
>  http://www.riehle.org/category/wiki-tech/
>  We are based on Wiki Creole, which is sufficient for our research
>  purposes. Going all the way to MediaWiki syntax is much harder...
>  (Wiki Creole by and large is a subset of MediaWiki markup.)

MediaWiki markup is difficult because a lot of it is the HTML produced
by a series of regular expressions. This doesn't lend itself to making
a grammar from.

If WikiCreole started out with a grammar, then a real WYSIWYG (What
You See Is What You Get) editor would be quite feasible, not just a
WYSIAYG (What You See Is All You Get) one ;-)

>  I'd be happy to share more of our experiences and contribute though.

You should be quite interested in the wikitext-l archives and ANTLR
pages on mediawiki.org, then :-)

(This is getting way off-topic for foundation-l ...)

- d.

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