[Foundation-l] Status of cloak requests

John Reaves johnreaveswp at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 15:21:28 UTC 2008

What freenode restrictions are enabling bot attacks?

--John Reaves

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 6:54 AM, Dan Rosenthal <swatjester at gmail.com> wrote:

> The underlying problem with that is they are also able to tell
> legitimate complaints no.  It beholdens one of the methods of the
> Foundation's communications (official or not) to a 3rd party's
> policies, with zero oversight or enforcement from the foundation. And
> then, we're presented with problems like relying on a third party to
> protect our privacy with cloaks; newcomers that are disgusted and
> turned away by coming into our channels and seeing bot attacks that we
> are hamstrung from preventing due to stupid restrictions on ops by
> freenode; group contacts that have been criticized as being
> unavailable and unhelpful; drama involving logging policies etc.
> We could bypass all of this by simply hosting the IRC server ourselves.
> -Dan
> On Feb 26, 2008, at 9:36 AM, David Gerard wrote:
> > On 26/02/2008, Paul Williams <paul at skenmy.com> wrote:
> >> On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Dan Rosenthal
> >> <swatjester at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >>> A question that has been raised for some time. Freenode has issues
> >>> beyond just the IRC cloaks.  Why aren't we having an
> >>> irc.wikimedia.org?  There's really no good reason beyond "that's
> >>> just
> >>> the way it is."
> >
> >> I have considerable experience in running IRC servers and networks.
> >> They
> >> aren't particularly resource intensive - and the customisation
> >> facilities
> >> are massive if you have backend access.
> >> Just give me a shout if you need anything regarding this and i'd be
> >> more
> >> than willing to help out.
> >
> >
> > Lots of people around Wikimedia and its projects use IRC very
> > effectively as a working tool, but the social project fallout on en:wp
> > in particular from IRC use and suspicion of it is ... remarkable. (See
> > the recent arbitration case for an example.)
> >
> > One important and useful byproduct of the Foundation's hands-off
> > approach to Wikimedia IRC on Freenode is being able to tell people
> > complaining to the Foundation to go away and ask James or Sean, both
> > of whom are highly practiced in telling spurious complainants "no."
> >
> > I suppose if we had our own server they could get the job there too
> > and do it in a similar way ... "Here, James, Sean, have this excellent
> > chalice. Only a little poison!"
> >
> >
> > - d.
> >
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