[Foundation-l] Status of cloak requests

Paul Williams paul at skenmy.com
Tue Feb 26 14:21:31 UTC 2008

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Dan Rosenthal <swatjester at gmail.com> wrote:

> A question that has been raised for some time. Freenode has issues
> beyond just the IRC cloaks.  Why aren't we having an
> irc.wikimedia.org?  There's really no good reason beyond "that's just
> the way it is."
> -dan

I have considerable experience in running IRC servers and networks. They
aren't particularly resource intensive - and the customisation facilities
are massive if you have backend access.

Just give me a shout if you need anything regarding this and i'd be more
than willing to help out.

~ Paul
~ [[n:User:Skenmy]]

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