[Foundation-l] Reply to Mark

Gatto Nero gattonero at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 10:00:40 UTC 2008

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Ray Saintonge <saintonge at telus.net> wrote:

>  > So we can just not go to Wikimania, or we can decide that the benefits
>  > for us outweigh the risks. It is a tough decision, but we will have to
>  > make it. And if we don't go this year, we can show up next year, or
>  > the one after that.

>  Thank you for being realistic  At some point a decision has to be made,
>  and we can't afford to look back on the decision with regrets.  We can't
>  build a good conference if the organizers' time is so taken up by
>  rear-guard actions.  The Toronto people could not have been very happy
>  when Boston won with a late bid.  The Turin people were upset when they
>  lost to Taipei.  I personally favour Buenos Aires for 2009, but I'm not
>  going to make an issue of it if another city gets that Wikimania.

Don't combine apples and oranges (we say so in Italy): don't reopen
all the "other wikimanias" issues, it's better.

By the way, I'm sorry to read - again - that people complaining about
their safety (or the way WMF faced some problems like "freedom of
speech", "freedom of thought" or "freedom of sexuality") are simply
Next step is "they're troll" (yet said by someone, thanks).

Is this respect?

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