[Foundation-l] Next board meeting

Michael Snow wikipedia at att.net
Tue Feb 26 03:29:29 UTC 2008

Andrew Whitworth wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I think if you look closely, the two members that were appointed, were
>>  >  specifically not appointed with a renewable term, but appointed *until*
>>  >  the next elections.
>>  I believe they were replacing elected board members that had resigned,
>>  so they were appointed to elected seats which were empty at the time.
>>  It makes sense that their appointment is only until the next election.
>>  That's not the case with the treasurer position - as far as I know,
>>  that is intended to be permanently an appointed seat.
> I don't know that I've ever seen anything saying that this position
> wouldn't be an elected one. Of course, maybe I haven't seen a lot of
> information, but without something specific there's no real reason to
> assume this to be true. To avoid further speculation on it, maybe a
> board member would be so kind as to tell whether the position of
> treasurer is generally an elected or an appointed one.
Previously, the position of Treasurer has been held by an appointed 
trustee (Michael Davis). The role doesn't inherently need to belong to 
an elected or an appointed trustee, but since the kind of qualifications 
suitable for the position (CPA designation, for example, or extensive 
experience in business/non-profit financial issues) haven't been evident 
among candidates in previous elections, it's likely that a new Treasurer 
will be appointed, not elected. People who actually possess suitable 
qualifications are welcome to make themselves known to us (see 
http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Treasurer_Search for information). I 
think it's fair to say we hope to appoint someone before the next 
election, but if not and a qualified person happens to be chosen in the 
election, we won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

--Michael Snow

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